Kenneth Burke, M.D.
2 min readJan 29, 2022


I had to stop reading your article. I am too old to put up with an interrogation scenario as you have outlined. I would immediately put an end to the questioning and say, “no thanks, this might be a great company, but I could never work for you.”

You asked for constructive feedback in the comments.

Here goes-

1- try taking the edge off of the questions. Your article reeked of “I have something you want, and I am in power. So beg”.

2- In spite of your 3.5x listening speed, Udemy classes etc, there is still more that you don’t know than you do know. How about rephrasing the question to “ Tell me something interesting you have learned lately, and how did you come to learn of it.” Who cares if you already know it too?

3. Instead of criticize me, how about “ Tell me a time where you had a conflict with a coworker and how did you approach it. What was the outcome?” “Tell me about a time where a coworker had a conflict with you, and how did you deal with their criticism. What was the work relationship like after that?”

4. Forget the tombstone. “What would you want your “brand”to be amongst your fellow coworkers on the day you retire from the company?”

And if you really want feedback, I suggest you have a “360" evaluation with the people you personally work with so you can see how you come across. You sit in the middle of the circle, and they give an honest, open assessment about you, good and bad.

Or will they be too fearful to do so? And if that is the case, what does it say about you as a leader?

Disclaimer- the words and opinions expressed are the author’s own and not those of his employer.

